Since the last time I was here, I’ve had a LOT going on! I handled prepping for and traveling on another trip to Guatemala, along with Summer commitments to church and my family. I love all that I do and the people that I share life with in all my environments. But I was doing my best to juggle way too many things, and let me tell you that I’m not the best juggler around. All of these things and my own personal, perfectionist, all-or-nothing mindset; managing what at times felt like utter chaos…then something wonderful happened  VACATION!!

We decided that it wasn’t a great time for us to travel, because we had so many things that came up in everyday life that needed to be done. I’m sure you’ve been there before – big purchases that come up that you weren’t planning for that need to be taken care of right now. Case in point – tires on my van! Friday before vacation started I’m going back to my van from getting my morning coffee and noticed a hole in my tire! Although it wasn’t serious, with my lack of car knowledge I proceeded to freak out! Who wouldn’t, especially when you have no clue about these things! I made it to work (which is only a block from where I got coffee), but was deathly afraid that it was either going to fall off, go flat or some freak accident was going to happen. Todd talked me off the ledge and assured me that it would get me home, but I knew that was a huge hit to the budget. So I went into vacation time afraid and angry, fretting that it had to happen now and how boring next week was going to be.

When we both got home, Todd gave me a huge hug and told me it’d all be OK and we were going to be fine. It was his assurance and strength that helped me keep it together. And also gave me the permission to break down for a while. Ladies, you know what I mean – that time to cry, scream and/or have a fit to get it all out and clear your head for a minute (or 10, depending on the situation).

After that, sitting in my comfy chair after my rant, I realized that our prayer time works the same way. We take our requests to GOD; pouring out our heart’s desires, nonsense, tears, anger, and other things on our heart to become vulnerable and open to HIM. I’ve gone through a box of tissues in an honest, confessing prayer time when HE has convicted me about what I’ve come to HIM with. Other times, I’ve come like a whiny kid – temper tantrum and all. I’ve also come with a laundry list of “to-do” things that I thought HE needed to take care of, or just needed to talk to someone. But the blessing is – HE understands it, and still loves us and cares about us! HE even answers our prayers! WOW! And just like a loving, patient Father does…pulls me close to HIM and tells me in that still, small voice that it’s going to be OK. The answer may not always look like what we think it should, but even when the answer is no, it’s meant for our good and HIS glory.

And our time away worked out well after all. The first few days were spent taking care of all the “family business”. After that was the good stuff – lazy mornings, good food at new restaurants, and one of my favorite past-times – shopping! We met a lot of cool people with intriguing stories; saw parts of the state that we haven’t before, drove on back roads that had no cell service; and it wouldn’t be a vacation if I didn’t try to get Todd lost at least once. And after all these years it still didn’t work (I’ve confirmed that I married a homing pigeon LOL).

But now, we’re back to real life again. It’s just as busy and still a lot of things on the calendar. My mindset has been shifted to really appreciate all the moments that I have, no matter how many things are swirling around me, looming on the horizon.

Find the moments in life that make you happy. Enjoy your family and friends and keep the sweet memories close to your heart. And thank GOD each day for them!

Keep smiling; love others and be happy in it all.