My next step was that I got a Day Timer and wrote out my schedule. This is a big step for me – you know how much I love my digital calendar and reminders. But there’s something about putting it in writing that makes you take inventory and identify the mess that I call a day. I realized that with everything I wrote down, the time that’s open is my lunchtime.
When I was sharing my thoughts with a dear friend, she mentioned taking a few minutes in my car during the day to just be quiet with the LORD. And that was confirmation that I’m on the right path.
I had scheduled working out during that time but let it go over the Winter since it’s been so frigid. (I’m not getting sick again…going out in the cold, go to the gym, getting sweaty, showering and going back out in the cold…umm, NO!) I noticed that I grab lunch and look at Facebook or Pinterest, when I could be spending it with HIM.
I’ve done my Bible Study homework on my breaks too, but was either distracted by something (super easy for me, by the way) or didn’t feel like I was giving it my all. Just using it to check off the box that I’d gotten it finished.
Since I’ve really been dedicated to it, I’ve been able to spend about 20 minutes of quiet time; lately it’s been rudely interrupted by fits of coughing (getting over another round of Winter crud). It’s very special and comforting; no music, muted my phone and just quiet…thinking about HIS blessings and provision. Reflecting on a verse that has been on my heart for some time now…
Something about being that intentional in spending time with GOD is very special…knowing that HE is right there, no matter what I think in my finite mind. Knowing that I have a Father that forgives me in my childish tantrums and loves me despite myself….there’s refreshment at the end of the desert…I just have to continue on my faith journey like the woman of GOD that HE’s called me to be…standing firm on HIS promises.