Clearing the Junk for 2019

Clearing the Junk for 2019

I’m sorry that I’ve been “away” for so long. I’ve had a lot going on; and I’ve had to deal with a lot of things that led to issues with how I felt about myself and the gifts GOD has given me. I also didn’t realize that I was still walking...
Filling My Spiritual Tank

Filling My Spiritual Tank

Have you had a time in your walk; you know in your heart that you’re where GOD has called you to be, but you’re just flat tired? And you can’t put your finger on exactly what has you so tired…is it physically, mentally, spiritually….all of the above… I’ve been there...
Been Away a While…

Been Away a While…

Well, I bet that you’ve been wondering where I’ve been… I have heard the familiar words that the Enemy has been stirring inside me, again…and I’ve been listening…again…   You have no worth.   Who would read this anyway?   Why bother?   Who cares?...
Stepping Back

Stepping Back

Since the last time I was here, I’ve had a LOT going on! I handled prepping for and traveling on another trip to Guatemala, along with Summer commitments to church and my family. I love all that I do and the people that I share life with in all my environments. But I...
In the Pruning Process…

In the Pruning Process…

I finally found a place that I can call my “Thicket of Solitude”, my back porch. It’s been a long time coming (and a LOT of bug bites and spray). I bought a few plants that I read can help with the insect population and make it pretty. I have a nice place that I can...