If you’re like me, you’re glad today is the first day of Spring. But when I opened the door to leave the house – sandals on and ready to go – I saw what I wasn’t expecting…FROST. Then I looked at my weather app – 29 degrees! Really?!?!

I’m done with Winter – it’s time was great and has its place, but I’m happy that it’s over. As much as I love boots, sweaters and leather jackets, I’m ready to bring out the florals, sandals and pretty colors. Seeing that remnant of cold changed my mood – until I read Jesus Calling:

Thank Me for the glorious gift of My Spirit. This is like priming the pump of a well. As you bring Me the sacrifice of thanksgiving, regardless of your feelings, My Spirit is able to work more freely within you. This produces more thankfulness and more freedom, until you are overflowing with gratitude.

I shower blessings on you daily, but sometimes you don’t perceive them. When your mind is stuck on a negative focus, you see neither Me nor My gifts. In faith, thank Me for whatever is preoccupying your mind. This will clear the blockage so that you can find Me. 

Man – this hit close to home! Even though I “primed the pump” in prayer this morning, I jumped right back into self, letting something as silly as frost change the tides of my day. As women, we dwell on our feelings…A LOT!!! I know that I do sometimes; especially in this season of my life. My moods and feelings change like the breeze (or frost) and I get stuck looking at myself through the world’s glasses.

I’m so glad that GOD sees us through HIS lens and not our own. HE sees us as HIS daughter; with love and care. We need to see ourselves the same way.

Ecclesiastes 3:11a, “He (God) has made everything appropriate in its time.”

Frost, life changes, wardrobe fails and broken nails; whatever it is that’s bringing you negativity – it’s not important – what’s of more worth is our relationship with GOD.

Let’s make sure that we welcome Jesus with as much enthusiasm as we welcome Spring – with celebration, excitement and joy. Knowing that HE is with us; growing us and showing us HIS love. And make sure we do this each day; regardless of our personal feelings.

HE LOVES US! Faults and all; and so do I!