It was such a blessing to be able to go back to Guatemala and share the time with great people! Since my first trip, it stole my heart. Not only is it a beautiful country, it’s filled with wonderful people! It’s also one of the poorest countries in the world. Even so, GOD taught me so much.

HE showed me through the kindness of the villagers in Timiluya, who we were there to share the Gospel with, that I was the one that needed HIM during this trip.

I was in the village that I had visited years ago and I can’t tell you how excited I was to be back. It’s high in the mountains and took hours to get there over rocky terrain and windy roads. I couldn’t sit by the window because I’d have to look down; heights and I aren’t friends at all. But I knew I was going to see my friends so I sucked it up. I’ve been praying for them since I left and hoped that they would recognize me.

I was met with the biggest hug from the teacher of the school, Marleny. She remembered me and was so excited to see her “American friend”. She said she wasn’t sure if she’d see me again and waited patiently for me when she heard I was coming back. I felt as though I hadn’t left.

We then were met by the village leader, Mario; since the children we were going to do VBS with were still in classes, he brought our small group to his home and welcomed us with open arms. He gave us chairs, a shady place to sit and told us all about the village. He was so proud of the people and all they’ve managed to do there. It may not be the best situation compared to our standards, but it’s home and has been for his family for a very long time. How many people in the US would take strangers into their home?

He then showed us around the village; I saw so many things that I didn’t know were even there before. It was so much more personal. Probably because it was a smaller group, but the pride that they had in what they had was amazing!

The group shared the Gospel for three days during our visit that week. They did VBS and shared Christ with almost 80 children; their parents were right there so they heard it as well. Each day the children were excited and remembered the messages that were shared. We prayed each evening that they carried it with them and that they prayed to receive Christ as their Savior.

The last day, we gave each family a bag of food and a Bible to keep. We prayed over them as well; that not only were we meeting their physical need but that we were blessing them spiritually and that growth would continue. My prayer is that I’m able to go back there at some point to see the fruit from the seeds that were planted.

When was the last time you even took the time to say “hello” to a stranger in the grocery store? Or spoke intentionally to the person at the register? Or someone at church that we thought was new or needed direction?

I saw Jesus in so many people in Guatemala – just in their daily actions. Not just in Timiluya or with our partners; the same genuine kindness was shown to me everywhere that I went. We may not have spoken the same language, but compassion is apparent all the same.

Jesus spoke about this in John 13:34-35: “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” 

Love, kindness and appreciation are things that we appreciate and long for in every interaction whether we know it or not.

We want to see the fruits of the Spirit at work, but what are we doing in our lives to make that happen? Galatians 5: 22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Are we being kind to the woman in front of us in line who is struggling with kids, purse and groceries…

Or the older woman trying to reach something off a high shelf…

Moving over a seat at church so a new person can sit next to you…

Saying more than just hello and giving your order to the girl serving you at Starbucks.

You don’t know what one simple act of kindness, what a smile and friendly greeting may do for one person. That may be that one act that brings them closer to GOD. Or relieves just enough stress that brings them to their knees; reminding them that HE is real and loves them.

Just like my new family in Guatemala did for me; we should be that way every day. I know it can be tough – but it’s not impossible. We may have rough days, but remember – someone is going through something today that is bigger than what you’re going through. Jesus went through even more, just for us!

Hebrews 12: 1-2 reminds us, “Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him[ endured a cross and despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God’s throne.” 

That joy, my friends, is YOU! Share your fruit with someone else today; don’t let it spoil. You may change your life along with theirs!